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CAIE Further Mechanics (9231/03) Papers

Shaun 's Profile Picture

Shaun H.

Swansea University - MEng Engineering

Experienced Maths Teacher

£36 / hour
  • Qualified Teacher
  • SEND
  • Graduate

You can find all CAIE Further Mechanics (9231) New Spec A-level past papers and mark schemes below:

Note: The content for this paper is from the content of the removed CAIE Maths A-level (9707) Mechanincs 2 papers.

2020+ Spec

Formulae List

CAIE M2 2002-2019 Spec

These papers share the same content as the newer CAIE Further Mechanics paper, so they are great for revision.

Question Papers
Mark Schemes

For the older further mechanics and statistics content please see the old Further Maths Paper 2, which you can find here.
