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The following topics are included in AS-level Paper 2, A-Level Paper 2 and Paper 3 for AQA Chemistry.
Detailed Notes
Notes from Knockhardy Science
- 3.1. Definitions, Functional Groups, Nomenclature, Formulae and Yield
- 3.1. Hybridisation in Carbon and Bond Formation
- 3.2. Alkanes, Pollution, Cracking and Petrochemical Industry
- 3.3. Halogenoalkanes, Nucleophilic Substitution, Elimination Reactions, Uses and CFC Problems
- 3.4. Alkenes - Isomerism, Electrophilic Addition, Polymerisation and Polymers
- 3.5. Alcohols, Oxidation, IR Spec, Biofuels and Industrial Preparation of Ethanol
- 3.6. IR Spectroscopy and Global Warming
- 3.6. Identifying Ions - Isotopes and Mass Spec
- 3.6. Mass Spectrometry
Questions by Topic:
- 3.1. Introduction to Organic Chemistry
- 3.2. Alkanes
- 3.3. Halogenoalkanes
- 3.4. Alkenes
- 3.5. Alcohols
- 3.6. Organic Analysis
Chapter-wide questions from OUP textbook
- 3.1. Introduction to Organic Chemistry
- 3.2. Alkanes
- 3.3. Halogenoalkanes
- 3.4. Alkenes
- 3.5. Alcohols
- 3.6. Organic Analysis
Mind Maps
- 3.1. Introduction to Organic Chemistry
- 3.2. Alkanes
- 3.3. Halogenoalkanes
- 3.4. Alkenes
- 3.5. Alcohols
- 3.6. Organic Analysis