The videos below are from the YouTube channels MaChemGuy and Mr C Dunkley. Subscribe to keep up to date with the latest videos.
Overview: Organic Synthesis
This is an overview of Topic 19: Organic Synthesis. It includes how to approach organic pathway questions.
Synthetic Routes 1
This video includes two worked examples of synthetic routes to help consolidate knowledge of organic reaction pathways.
Synthetic Routes 2
This video includes worked examples of synthetic routes including a percentage yield calculation to help with exam technique.
Synthetic Routes 3
This video includes two slightly more difficult worked examples of synthetic routes with calculation questions to help consolidate knowledge of organic reaction pathways.
Revise Organic Reaction Mechanisms
Video that looks at all the AS mechanisms needed.
Test Yourself: AS Organic Reactions
Helpful video to use after you feel more confident with organic chemistry to test your knowledge on the reactions.
Quickfit Apparatus
Video explaining what Quickfit apparatus is and how it is used for reflux, distillation and separating funnel. This video also includes a typical exam question.