The videos below are from the YouTube channels MaChemGuy and Mr C Dunkley. Subscribe to keep up to date with the latest videos.
Overview: Transition Elements
This is an overview of Topic 27: Transition Elements. It includes definition, electron configuration, complex ions, ligands and reactions.
Transition Elements 1: Introduction
This video uses the electronic configurations of transition element atoms and ions to explain what a transition element is.
Transition Elements: 4 General Properties
This video outlines the 4 key properties of transition element using many examples in the explanations.
Precipitation Reactions
This video demonstrates a series of test tube experiments to how the precipitation reactions that take place when aqueous Cu2+ Co2+ Fe2+ and Fe3+ react with aqueous hydroxide ions.
Complex Ions
This video explains how complexes ions are formed from different types of ligands.
Isomerism in Complex Ions
Video showing the different types of isomerism that can occur in complex ion
Ligand Substitution Reactions
In depth video explaining some of ligand substitution reactions.
Transition Element Colours by Metal
Video summarising all the colours of transition element metals you need to know.
Transition Element Colours by Colour
Video summarising all the colours of the transition element complexes you need to know.
Test yourself TM reactions
Once confident with your transition elements knowledge test yourself with this video.