This topic is examined in A-Level Component 2 and Component 3 for WJEC (England) Chemistry.
Detailed Notes
Notes from Knockhardy Science
- 1.1. Isomerism - Structural, E_Z, Optical and Stereoisomers
- 1.2. Benzene - Structure, Reactions and Substitution
- 2.1. Alcohols, Oxidation, IR Spec, Biofuels and Industrial Preparation of Ethanol
- 2.1. Phenol - Structure, Preparation, Uses and Reactions
- 2.2. Aldehydes and Ketones - Properties, Reactions, Identification and 2,4-DNP
- 2.3. Carboxylic Acids, Esters and Derivatives
- 3.2. Polymers, Polyesters, Polyamides and Peptides
- 4.0. Chromatography and GCMS
- 4.0. Friedel-Crafts Reactions - Alkylation and Acylation
- 4.0. NMR Spectroscopy
- 4.0. Organic Synthesis - Extending Carbon Chains, Friedel-Crafts Reactions and Chiral Synthesis
- 4.0. Polymers, Polyesters, Polyamides and Peptides
Questions by Topic:
- 1.1. Stereoisomerism MS
- 1.1. Stereoisomerism QP
- 1.2. Aromaticity MS
- 1.2. Aromaticity QP
- 2.1. Alcohols and Phenols MS
- 2.1. Alcohols and Phenols QP
- 2.2. Aldehydes and Ketones MS
- 2.2. Aldehydes and Ketones QP
- 2.3. Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives MS
- 2.3. Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives QP
- 3.1. Amines MS
- 3.1. Amines QP
- 3.2. Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins MS
- 3.2. Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins QP
- 4.0. Organic Synthesis and Analysis MS
- 4.0. Organic Synthesis and Analysis QP
From OCR
From AQA
- 1.2. Aromatic Chemistry and Amines MS
- 1.2. Aromatic Chemistry and Amines
- 2.2. Nomenclature & Isomerism and Carbonyl Group MS
- 2.2. Nomenclature & Isomerism and Carbonyl Group
- 3.2. Amino Acids and Polymers MS
- 3.2. Amino Acids and Polymers
- 4.0. Organic Synthesis and Structure Determination MS
- 4.0. Organic Synthesis and Structure Determination