OCR A-level Papers

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Mohammed A. 5.0 (9)

University of Leeds - BSc Mathematics

Maths/Physics Examiner Who Has Helped 6 GCSE/IB & 8 A Level Students Acheive A*'s In Last Year Alone.

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Component 1 || Component 2 || Component 3 || Madas Papers || Old Spec

You can find all OCR Maths A-level (H240) past papers and mark schemes, as well as selected model answers, below. You can also find old-spec and IYGB papers on this page.

Component 1 – Pure

Component 2 – Pure and Statistics

Component 3 – Pure and Mechanics

Madas/I.Y.G.B Papers – Pure

These I.Y.G.B. synoptic practice papers are suitable for the new A-level Pure Mathematics specification. They do not follow any particular board syllabus; instead they are a synopsis for the first two Pure Mathematics modules.They will offer good practice for able mathematics students as they will be generally more difficult than the standard “A to R” difficulty of the MP1/MP2 range.

Old Spec Papers

For extra question practice, you can use the following papers from the old specification.